Topic - 5 Reasons Why Video Marketing is a Must for Your Business

No matter how you look at it, digital marketing is here to stay. Now, digital marketing can mean several different things like websites, social media, videos, and newsletters —to name a few. And, if you’re new to implementing digital marketing into your business, it can all feel a bit overwhelming.
We have good news for you! Every business is different and no campaign is alike. So, sometimes, not ALL aspects of digital marketing are needed all at once. For the sake of simplicity, we’ll be discussing reasons why video marketing is a must for your business. 
Here’s our rundown of how video marketing can build your brand and strengthen your campaign.
Here’s how it all plays out:

Reason #1 

Video marketing increases brand awareness. 

According to, videos help increase a company’s brand awareness by 70%. Videos are much more visually appealing than static graphics, especially considering the overwhelming amount of still images that are used in marketing. When done well, including video content makes your brand memorable and ensures a greater chance for viewers to stop and pay attention. Don’t forget: more brand awareness means more potential leads. 

Reason #2 

Video marketing builds trust. 

Video marketing humanizes your brand by allowing your audience to see the inside out of your organization, and, in turn, customers are more likely to engage with your product or service if they feel a connection to your video content. Along with building that connection, implementing video marketing does a few handy things too, like: 
  • Shows the audience who is involved in the company
  • What the company goals are
  • Tells the audience how your brand aligns with their needs
All of this helps your target audience gain a better understanding of your organization, which will lead to greater trust in your brand. 

Reason #3 

Video marketing improves SEO. 

Ever wonder how certain content ends up on the front page of Google? It starts with Search Engine Optimization, aka SEO. Publishing video content on platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, and Twitch with relevant search terms and trending keywords give your business more exposure. For example, YouTube is one of the top search engines –after Google, of course. Plus, Google tends to rank YouTube videos higher because of its keyword functionality and compatibility with search algorithms. This means that anyone who searches for content mentioned in your video description and keywords has a good chance of finding your company’s videos on the first page of Google. 

Reason #4

Video marketing has good ROI. 

Companies that utilize video content marketing as part of their marketing strategy say that videos have helped them dramatically increase lead generation, website traffic, returning customer rates, and even hard sales ( Depending on the revenue that increasing these stats would yield for your company, including video marketing is definitely well worth the initial cost.

Reason #5 

Video content is the most consumed content on the internet. 

Companies that utilize video content marketing as part of their marketing strategy say that videos have helped them dramatically increase lead generation, website traffic, returning customer rates, and even hard sales ( Depending on the revenue that increasing these stats would yield for your company, including video marketing is definitely well worth the initial cost.
If you’re convinced and would like for Trillavision to produce video content for your next big idea, give us a call or fill out the Connect form to get in touch!